UPS is an abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source. It's a battery which is used to power some type of computer or a web server to avoid the loss of data if the main power source fails for reasons unknown or becomes unsafe. A diesel generator basically self-explanatory. UPSs and generators are used as a backup in data centers to back up the main power source and to guarantee the consistent operation of all the machines located there. Since the UPS runs at all times, it offers the necessary power for the web servers to remain up and running until the generator starts and takes over. Using this sort of a backup is crucial for any data center or service provider that wants to keep their hardware and data intact in the case of a power surge or outage, due to the fact that it provides them with plenty of time to react until the issue is resolved and the primary power supply is restored.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Cloud Website Hosting

If you order a cloud website hosting package from our company, you won't ever need to bother about possible electric power failures resulting in the loss of priceless info, even if you host extremely important Internet sites on our hosting servers. All the machines that are part of our groundbreaking cluster platform use effective UPSs which can keep them working for a long time period - sufficient for a number of diesel generators to begin functioning and take over. The latter are potent enough to keep each of the 3 facilities fully functional for many hours and without any limits, so your Internet sites shall continue to work effectively and with no delays or limits. The power backup is among the elements behind our 99.9% service uptime warranty.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We provide you with semi-dedicated server accounts inside our data center in downtown Chicago and among the list of reasons behind our 99.9% uptime warranty is the exceptional backup setup the facility has. Your new account will be set up on our top-notch hosting platform and each of the web servers which are part of it has its own powerful UPS unit that will keep it 100% operational at max capacity until a number of diesel generators take over. The latter can easily keep the whole facility working for a long length of time, without any limits on the quantity or the sort of devices that can work, so you will not notice any difference in the functionality or the loading speed of any website you host there. With our semi-dedicated servers, you'll have the ability to use a top-quality website hosting service without disruptions of any kind.