InnoDB is a storage engine for MySQL databases, which is used by popular PHP-powered web apps like Joomla 3 and Magento. It’s ideal for scalable applications, as it performs amazingly well when processing huge data volumes. Instead of locking the entire table to enter new information into a database as many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one database row, so it can complete much more operations for the same length of time. In addition, InnoDB offers a much faster crash recovery and supports database transactions and foreign key constraints – a set of rules that determine how data imports and modifications should be treated. In case a particular operation hasn’t been entirely completed for any reason, the action will be rolled back. In this way, the content in the database will be kept intact and won’t be partially merged with newly added content.

InnoDB in Cloud Website Hosting

You will be able to make use of any PHP script-based software app that requires InnoDB if you have a Linux cloud website hosting with our company, as the MySQL database engine is present on our avant-garde cloud web hosting platform as standard. Throughout the app installation – manual or automatic, InnoDB will be selected as the default engine and the setup will proceed flawlessly if this engine is needed. You can run apps that require the MyISAM engine without the need to deal with any obstacle as well and, again, the engine will be pre-selected, so you will not have to change any setting manually at any time. What’s more, we’ll also perform regular backups of all the databases that you’ve got in the shared hosting account, so in case you erase or overwrite something, we can easily get it back to the way it was on any of the previous seven days.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You can make use of an open-source script-powered web application that requires InnoDB with all of our semi-dedicated server packages, as all the accounts are created on our leading-edge cloud hosting platform where the MySQL database storage engine is installed. A new database can be set up in two separate ways – manually from the Database Manager section of the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, or automatically – if you use our single-click app installer. In either case, the required engine will be selected automatically as soon as the application’s activation starts, so you won’t need to configure anything manually, regardless of whether the app requires InnoDB or the more widely used MyISAM. In addition, we’ll always be able to retrieve any of your MySQL databases if you erase one by accident, as we carry out several database backups every day, each of which is stored for one week.

InnoDB in Dedicated Web Hosting

InnoDB comes as standard with all Linux dedicated web hosting ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. It’s an integral part of the software bundle that we install on all Hepsia-managed dedicated servers, so once your physical machine is set up, you will be able to log in and to activate any PHP-based web application that requires this database engine. If you set up a new MySQL database through the hosting Control Panel, there won’t be any activated engine until you begin installing an app. As soon as the app installation wizard begins inserting data into the newly created database, the engine will be chosen automatically depending on the prerequisites of the respective app, so you can run both MyISAM and InnoDB without having to select either one of them specifically at any moment. In this way, you can use an immense variety of applications for your Internet sites.